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232 Results for search "Cancer: Breast".

Health News Results - 232

05 Mar
Lumpectomy Preserves Sexual Well-Being Among Breast Cancer Patients

Lumpectomy Preserves Sexual Well-Being Among Breast Cancer Patients

Opting for a lumpectomy during breast cancer treatment can protect a woman’s future sex life, a new study suggests.

Breast-conserving therapy (BCT) is associated with better sexual well-being, compared to mastectomy followed by breast reconstruction, researchers fo...

04 Mar
Chemo Causes Lasting Physical Decline In Breast Cancer Survivors

Chemo Causes Lasting Physical Decline In Breast Cancer Survivors

Breast cancer survivors treated with chemotherapy tend to suffer a longer-lasting decline in their physical health, compared to women who receive hormone therapy or other cancer treatments.

26 Feb
Young Women's Locale Plays Role In Breast Cancer Risk

Young Women's Locale Plays Role In Breast Cancer Risk

Where a young American woman lives could play a role in her risk for breast cancer, a new study suggests.

In fact, the breast cancer risk...

25 Feb
Breast Cancer A Killer In Poor Countries, Report Says

Breast Cancer A Killer In Poor Countries, Report Says

Breast cancer deaths are expected to increase during the next quarter-century, largely impacting the world’s poorest nations, a new inter...

19 Feb
Women Of Color Receive Slower Response To A Bad Mammogram

Women Of Color Receive Slower Response To A Bad Mammogram

Women of color are less likely to receive prompt follow-up testing after abnormal mammogram results, a new study has found.

Minority women are less likely than white women to re...

15 Feb
What Cancer Screenings Do You Need? A Quick Guide

What Cancer Screenings Do You Need? A Quick Guide

Cancer screenings can save lives by detecting cancer early, when treatment is most effective.

With an estimated 2 million new cancer cases expected in 2025, regular screenings are more important than ever, according to the

10 Feb
Breast Cancer: Fear of Recurrence Can Haunt Women for Years

Breast Cancer: Fear of Recurrence Can Haunt Women for Years

A survey of hundreds of breast cancer survivors finds that tumor recurrence fear can wreak havoc on a woman's emotions.

“Cancer is ...

07 Feb
Pre-Op Immunotherapy May Help Treat Aggressive Breast Cancers

Pre-Op Immunotherapy May Help Treat Aggressive Breast Cancers

Giving patients with a common form of breast cancer an immunotherapy drug before surgery appears to boost outcomes, a new phase 3 trial finds.

The study involved patients with estrogen receptor positive (ER+)/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) brea...

09 Jan
Exercise Prior to Cancer Diagnosis May Help Slow Disease Progression

Exercise Prior to Cancer Diagnosis May Help Slow Disease Progression

Exercising now can increase your chances of successfully fighting cancer in the future.

Even low levels of exercise provided protection against cancer, a new st...

06 Jan
The Heart Disease, Breast Cancer Link

The Heart Disease, Breast Cancer Link

Heart disease and cancer might seem completely unrelated, but these two top causes of death sometimes act in concert.

Women with heart disease appear to have a greater risk of aggressive

03 Jan
Why Does Cancer Spread to the Lungs So Often?

Why Does Cancer Spread to the Lungs So Often?

The lungs are a tempting place for cancer cells -- so much so that more than half of people with advanced cancer elsewhere in their bodies wind up with lung tumors.

Researchers now think they know why.

Elevated levels of an amino acid called aspartate appear to all...

26 Dec
Could AI Plus Lasers Help Catch Very Early Breast Cancers?

Could AI Plus Lasers Help Catch Very Early Breast Cancers?

Very early-stage breast cancers are notoriously tough to spot via mammograms, but new technology might make detection easier.

According to a new study published recently in th...

18 Dec
Some Breast Cancer Patients May Not Need Post-Op Chest Wall Radiation

Some Breast Cancer Patients May Not Need Post-Op Chest Wall Radiation

Radiation therapy for breast cancer comes with a host of side effects, including conditions as serious as heart problems and pneumonia.

Now, a new study says some br...

16 Dec
Study Supports Tamoxifen for DCIS Early Breast Cancers

Study Supports Tamoxifen for DCIS Early Breast Cancers

The established hormone therapy drug tamoxifen can significantly decrease the risk of cancer recurring in women with an early, low-risk form of breast cancer, a new study says.

Women who took tamoxifen a...

13 Dec
Newer Drug Could Be Advance Against Tough-to-Treat Breast Cancers

Newer Drug Could Be Advance Against Tough-to-Treat Breast Cancers

An experimental hormone therapy pill has shown promise in extending the lives of women with tough-to-treat advanced breast cancer, a new clinical trial shows.

The dr...

13 Dec
'Watch and Wait' May Equal Active Treatment for Early DCIS Breast Cancers, Studies Find

'Watch and Wait' May Equal Active Treatment for Early DCIS Breast Cancers, Studies Find

A “watch-and-wait” strategy might be the best option for some women with early-stage, low-risk breast cancer.

According to two new studies presented Thursday at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, active monitoring of

13 Dec
Breast, Ovary Removal Can Lengthen Lives of Women With Breast Cancer Genes

Breast, Ovary Removal Can Lengthen Lives of Women With Breast Cancer Genes

It's a decision no woman wants to have to make, but new research shows that young breast cancer patients with high-risk genes may be able to prevent their cancer from retu...

11 Dec
Women With Cancer Can Safely Use Rogaine to Curb Hair Loss

Women With Cancer Can Safely Use Rogaine to Curb Hair Loss

Women worried about losing their locks during chemotherapy can safely take hair-loss drugs during breast cancer care, a new study says.

06 Dec
AI Reads Multiple Mammograms to Help Predict Breast Cancer Risk

AI Reads Multiple Mammograms to Help Predict Breast Cancer Risk

A new AI can help identify women at higher risk for developing breast cancer by tracking changes in breast tissue, a new study shows.


05 Dec
Prevention Outpaced Treatment Advances in Saving Lives From Major Cancers

Prevention Outpaced Treatment Advances in Saving Lives From Major Cancers

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” founding father Benjamin Franklin once said.

That’s definitely true of cancer, a new study has found.

Cancer prevention and screening has saved more people from five types of cancer during the pas...

25 Nov
Yoga Helps Women Deal With the Mental Stress of Cancer

Yoga Helps Women Deal With the Mental Stress of Cancer

A cancer diagnosis can bring overwhelming stress and depression to women, but new research suggests yoga can help ease that emotional toll.

“A wellness intervention that integrates yoga and psychological tools may strengthen the connections among the mind, body an...

14 Nov
New Therapeutic Vaccine Gives Hope Against an Aggressive Breast Cancer

New Therapeutic Vaccine Gives Hope Against an Aggressive Breast Cancer

An experimental vaccine could offer fresh hope to women diagnosed with an aggressive and hard-to-treat form of breast cancer, new research suggests.

The vaccine appe...

30 Oct
Lack of Insurance Could Mean Later Cancer Diagnoses for Black, Hispanic Americans

Lack of Insurance Could Mean Later Cancer Diagnoses for Black, Hispanic Americans

A lack of health insurance coverage raises the risk that cancers among Black and Hispanic Americans will be caught too late, a new study suggests.

Being uninsured accounts for a significant proportion of racial and ethnic disparities in cancers that are only detected at ...

23 Oct
Aerobic Exercise May Ease 'Brain Fog' of Breast Cancer Chemo

Aerobic Exercise May Ease 'Brain Fog' of Breast Cancer Chemo

Women fighting breast cancer can relieve some of their chemotherapy “brain fog” through aerobic exercise, a new clinical trial in Canada suggests.

Breast ca...

18 Oct
Some IUDs May Raise The Odds for Breast Cancer, But Overall Risk Remains Low

Some IUDs May Raise The Odds for Breast Cancer, But Overall Risk Remains Low

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) may raise the chances of a breast cancer diagnosis for women who use the hormonal birth control method, but that risk remains low, new research finds.

In the study of 150,000 Danish women, published this week in the

18 Oct
Family, Friends Crucial to Whether You Get Screened for Cancer

Family, Friends Crucial to Whether You Get Screened for Cancer

Having close family and friends who care about their health makes women more likely to get regularly screened for cancer, a new study has found.

Women are more likely to undergo regular cancer screening if they have a tighter web of social and emotional connections, rese...

16 Oct
Obesity Could Cause 40% of Hormone-Positive Breast Cancers in Older Women

Obesity Could Cause 40% of Hormone-Positive Breast Cancers in Older Women

Obesity is a more powerful driver of breast cancer than previously thought, a new study suggests.

About 40% of hormone-positive breast cancers in postmenopausal women m...

15 Oct
Certain Women May Need Mammograms Before Age 40 -- An Expert Explains Why

Certain Women May Need Mammograms Before Age 40 -- An Expert Explains Why

Women typically are urged to start receiving regular mammograms at age 40, but some might need to start even sooner, experts say.

Specific risk factors that increase risk of early

08 Oct
Breast Cancer Treatments Might Speed Aging, Study Finds

Breast Cancer Treatments Might Speed Aging, Study Finds

Any form of breast cancer treatment appears to speed the aging of the recipient's cells, a new study finds.

“For the first time, we're showing that the [aging] signals we once thought were driven by chemotherapy are also present in women undergoing radiation and su...

08 Oct
New Hope Against Breast Cancers That Spread to the Brain

New Hope Against Breast Cancers That Spread to the Brain

A recently approved targeted chemotherapy drug can significantly extend the lives of advanced breast cancer patients who have developed tumors ...

05 Oct
What You Need to Know After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

What You Need to Know After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Breast cancer strikes 1 in 8 women in the United States, but being diagnosed with the disease can still make you feel alone.

To cope with such devastating news, breast cancer surgeons from the American College of Surgeons (ACS) offer tips on navigating the disease.

01 Oct
U.S. Breast Cancer Deaths Keep Declining, Though Disparities Remain

U.S. Breast Cancer Deaths Keep Declining, Though Disparities Remain

While women overall are less likely to die of breast cancer now, some alarming disparities remain, a new American Cancer Society (ACS) analysis warns.

Death rates for American Indian and Alaska Native women haven't changed for the past 30 years, according to the new repo...

30 Sep
Shorter Course of Breast Cancer Radiation Won't Affect Breast Reconstruction

Shorter Course of Breast Cancer Radiation Won't Affect Breast Reconstruction

A shorter course of post-mastectomy radiation doesn't jeopardize a patient's chances of successful breast reconstruction, a new study finds.

About 40 percent of people with

24 Sep
Almost 200 Chemicals Linked to Breast Cancer Are Found in Food Packaging

Almost 200 Chemicals Linked to Breast Cancer Are Found in Food Packaging

Food sold in shrink wrap, on cardboard trays or in paper containers might contain any of nearly 200 chemicals linked to breast cancer, a new st...

18 Sep
FDA Expands Use of Breast Cancer Drug Kisqali

FDA Expands Use of Breast Cancer Drug Kisqali

Women with early stage breast cancer may now take Kisquali, a medication already approved for advanced disease, following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's expanded approval of the treatment, drug maker Novartis announced Tuesday.

“The FDA approval of

18 Sep
Black Women Face Higher Death Risk From All Types of Breast Cancer

Black Women Face Higher Death Risk From All Types of Breast Cancer

Black women have a higher risk of dying from any type of breast cancer than white women, a new review finds.

Overall, the increased survi...

07 Sep
Everything You Need to Know About Breast Density, From the Experts

Everything You Need to Know About Breast Density, From the Experts

As a new federal regulation that requires mammography centers to tell their patients how dense their breasts are take...

03 Sep
False-Positive Mammogram Result Has Many Women Quitting Mammography

False-Positive Mammogram Result Has Many Women Quitting Mammography

A significant number of women stop getting regular mammograms after being frightened by a “false positive” scan that incorrectly suggests they have breast cancer, a new st...

28 Aug
Study Supports Annual Mammograms for Women Over 40

Study Supports Annual Mammograms for Women Over 40

A new study supports the notion that women age 40 and older get a mammogram each year rather than every two years, to help catch breast cancers early.


09 Aug
Post-Op Radiation May Give Long-Term Protection Against Breast Cancer's Return

Post-Op Radiation May Give Long-Term Protection Against Breast Cancer's Return

Radiation therapy following surgery can keep breast cancer from returning for up to 10 years, a new study claims.

The study supports the current standard  of care for

07 Aug
Gestational Diabetes Won't Raise Women's Odds for Breast Cancer

Gestational Diabetes Won't Raise Women's Odds for Breast Cancer

About 14% of women will develop diabetes while pregnant, a condition known as gestational diabetes.

It's linked with obesity and older age, and the number of cases is gr...

06 Aug
U.S. Spends $43 Billion Annually on Cancer Screening

U.S. Spends $43 Billion Annually on Cancer Screening

Screening for cancer saves lives, but a new report shows it comes with a hefty price tag: The United States spends at least $43 billion annually on tests that check for five major cancers.

Published Monday in the

05 Aug
Depression May Lower Breast Cancer Survival

Depression May Lower Breast Cancer Survival

Depression can lower a woman’s chances of surviving breast cancer, a new study reports.

Women with breast cancer and depression are more than three times as like...

01 Aug
Why Are Cancer Rates Rising Among Gen X, Millennials?

Why Are Cancer Rates Rising Among Gen X, Millennials?

Cancer rates are rising among Gen Xers and millennials, a new study reports.

Successively younger generations are more frequently being diagnosed half of the 34 known

31 Jul
Early Menopause Could Raise a Woman's Odds for Breast Cancer

Early Menopause Could Raise a Woman's Odds for Breast Cancer

Women who experience early menopause appear to be at greater risk of breast cancer, a new study reports.

Women who underwent menopause at an age younger than 46 were nearly twice as likely to have

26 Jul
Double Mastectomy May Offer No Survival Benefit to Women With Breast Cancer

Double Mastectomy May Offer No Survival Benefit to Women With Breast Cancer

Women who are diagnosed with breast cancer in one breast, even in the early stages, sometimes opt for a double mastectomy, due to the fear that the cancer will migrate to the other breast.

But that decision may not offer any real benefit in terms of survival, an exhausti...

19 Jul
Too Many Breast Cancer Survivors Miss Out on Genetic Screening

Too Many Breast Cancer Survivors Miss Out on Genetic Screening

Many breast cancer patients aren’t getting genetic counseling and testing that could help them get the most effective treatment, a new study finds.

Only three-quarters of patients eligible for genetic testing after their

16 Jul
Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer May Lower Dementia Risk

Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer May Lower Dementia Risk

Hormone therapy for breast cancer might reduce a woman's later risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, a new study finds.

Overall, hormone therapy is associated with a 7% lower risk of...

15 Jul
Shannen Doherty Dies of Breast Cancer at 53

Shannen Doherty Dies of Breast Cancer at 53

Actress Shannen Doherty, best known for her roles in 1990s television hits such as "Beverly Hills, 90210"and "Charmed," has died at 53 after a long struggle with ...

08 Jul
American Indian/Alaska Native Breast Cancer Patients Less Likely to Get Reconstruction

American Indian/Alaska Native Breast Cancer Patients Less Likely to Get Reconstruction

After a mastectomy, some women are less likely than others to have breast reconstruction surgery.

Rates of the surgery are consistently lower among American Indian and Alaskan na...